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A member registered Sep 05, 2020

Recent community posts

This was a very good game, I would love to either play a long version of this or more episodes of it. Can't wait for the next one.

I loved it, wish there was more. I really hope this game gets expanded because I would love to come back for more.

This had me on edge the entire time. You really knew how to create that Siren Head feel. I swear at times Siren Head was talking to me lmbo.
(1 edit)

Lmbo you know it, you really did create that true horror feeling. The one where you just don't know what is around the corner.Maybe I should have went back to the body before I ran out but how are you suppose to get the gun?

Hey this was a really fun game, I haven't played a horror game as tense as this in a very long time. You are very skilled. I enjoyed the challenge of the game.

It was hilarious and I enjoyed it a lot. Fantastic!!!